Final Words Please send me any suggestions you might have for NetRPG at, and have fun gaming! --Erich G Bratton ____________________________________________________ As quoted from Peter Lewis about Chat 1.1.0: Chat 1.1.0 © Peter N Lewis, Mar 1992. This program is free, but I retain the copyright on it. As quoted from me, Erich Bratton, about NetRPG: NetRPG is Copyright Erich G Bratton,1994-1997. NetRPG is emailware - it's free, but I want to know who you are, so I can get feedback! Note to archivists: Feel free to include this program on any CD's or archives. ____________________________________________________ Thanks to Nathan and Peter for their work on Chat, and to Chris Pryce, Ryan Skow, Alex Bratton, and Chell Nyquist for being constant beta testers and players! ____________________________________________________ Check out this cool site for Role Playing Games!